Friday, May 1, 2009

Life in OZ

I lived in Australia for 7yrs. and just moved back to Canada last yr. I lived on a 40ft. sailboat in Nth. Queensland sailing the Great Barrier Reef. It was a dream life!
I made my crafts all wk while out sailing and came in on the wkend to sell my creations at the local markets. We sailed with the dolphins, sea turtles and the humpback whales on their migration up and down the coast.
I grew up on a farm so the water world was all new to me but i fell in love with it at once. I love getting away from it all and the sailboat was just that. Pull anchor and off into the sunset!
My family came to visit a couple of times. It was so nice to fullfill my dads dream of sailing (i got to tell him what to do, like pull that anchor, hoist the sail!) Oz is a very special place and i miss it but am so glad to be close to my family now.
This is a photo of Paula and me enjoying a glass of wine watching the sunset on the deck of the sailboat.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great time in Oz. It was an unbelievable experience. We would have never have done this without you. It's sooo good to have you back home. Luv mom
